Art Deco Skulptur Bronze zwei Vögel auf ein Zweig.
Adorable Art Deco bronze sculpture of two brids on a branch by the French artist Andre Vincent Becquerel.
Künstler / Schöpfer | Andre Vincent Becquerel |
Signatur / Marken | A. V. Becquerel |
Stil | Art Deco |
Datum | 1930 |
Werkstoff | Patinated bronze on a black marble base. |
Herkunft | France |
Größe (cm) | H. 21 cm x W. 6 cm. x L. 31 cm. |
Größe (Zoll) | H. 8.3 inch x W. 2.4 inch. x L. 12.2 inch. |
Zustand | Very good original condition. |
Literatur | Art deco and other figures” by Brian Catley, Antique collectors club. “Animals in bronze” by Christopher Payne. Antique collectors club. “Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs” by E. Benezit. Gründ. “Dictionnaire illustré des sculpteurs animaliers & fondeurs de l’antiquité à nos jours “ by Jean Charles Hachet. Argus Valentines. “The dictionary of sculptors in bronze” by James Mackay. Antique collectors club. “Art deco sculpture, Statuettes of the twenties and thirties.” by Victor Arwas, Academy/ St Martins. “Mascottes passion” by Michel Legrand, Antic show éditions. “Mascottes automobiles” by Michel Legrand, EPA éditions |
Versand Europa | 55 |
Versand weltweit | 82 |
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