Art Deco bronze sculpture car mascot Princes Neginga, African beauty

Art Deco bronze sculpture Princesse Neginga of the Mangbetu tribe. African beauty. Designed as car mascot or hood ornament. Signed by A. Caron, founders signature, Sardoux. France 1925/1930/  This mascot represents an African beauty Princesse Neginga of the Mangbetu tribe in Zaire in the 1920s. She was chosen as the icon of the Citroën cars at the time of the "Croisière Noire" expedition. The ”Black Cruise” spanned 28,000 km from Algeria to Madagascar and took more than a year to prepare for. Citroëns team Haardtand Audouin Dubreuil was the first to cross The Sahara by car In 1924-1925. An ambitious project, that of crossing the African continent with their half-tracks.  The expedition was filmed, photographed and ends in June 1925 after 8 months of travel.
Artist / Maker Alexandre Auguste Caron
Signature/ Marks A. Caron. 
Ciselure d’Art
. A. Sadoux.
Style Art Deco
Date 1925/1930.
Material Bronze on Belgian Black marble base.
Origin France
Size (cm) H. 29 cm. x L. 10 cm. x W. 10 cm. 
Bronze H. 16 cm.
Size (inches) H. 11.4 inch x L. 3.9 inch x W. 3.9 inch. Bronze 6.3 inch.
Condition Very good condition.
Literature Car mascot conceived for Citroën during the "Croisière Noire" period. Illustrated in
“Mascottes passion” by Michel Legrand, Antic show éditions.
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Art Deco bronze sculpture car mascot Princes Neginga, African beauty